XtremeMac Greenhouse Kit XGC 1 User Manual

XGC-1 Xtreme Greenhouse Controller  
The XGC-1 Xtreme greenhouse controller from C.A.P. controls all of the main devices that  
are used in today’s modern hydroponic garden. The built-in Fuzzy Logiccontrols your  
CO2 level with unmatched accuracy.  
Before attempting to operate the XGC, you should at least take the time to look  
at the Example Connection diagram on page 2 and read the “Start-up  
Procedure on page 3 of this manual. To get the most out of the XGC-1,  
familiarize yourself with this manual. It contains many useful hints, examples  
and a troubleshooting guide.  
The XGC is designed to operate from a 120vac, 15-amp power source. It can safely control up to 15-amps of equipment  
including up to 1000 watts of HID lights. If required, additional lights and larger equipment can be connected to the XGC-1 by  
using our HPR, MLCs or UPM “Universal Power Modules”.  
In addition to lights, the XGC also maintains the temperature and humidity by controlling your exhaust fan(s). CO2 levels can  
be controlled with the built-in timers, which are coordinated with your exhaust fans and function only when the lights are ON.  
The XGC is overload protected a main 15-amp fuse. Do not exceed the maximum rating of the XGC-1.  
IMPORTANT: Replace blown fuses with fuses of the same rating ONLY!  
Note: A surge suppressor / power strip is always recommended when operating electrical equipment such as the XGC.  
The XGC is protected by our 3-year limited warranty. All components are warranted by R & M Supply against defects in  
workmanship and materials under normal use for 3-years from the date of purchase. The XGC is 100% maintenance-free and  
does not require service.  
There are a few requirements for a successful installation and start-up.  
1) The XGC must be mounted in a vertical position. Mounting feet are included to allow you to secure the unit to a wall.  
2) The XGC requires “free air movement” to maintain temperature and humidity accuracy. The top and bottom of the  
enclosure has ventilation slots to provide airflow through the unit however, we greatly recommended using an oscillating  
fan in the growing area to provide fresh air for the internal humidity sensor and provide adequate ventilation for the  
internal electrical components.  
3) A dedicated 120 VAC, 15-amp power supply is recommended. A ground wire (3-wire outlet) must be used.  
Do not use 2-wire adapters or cords to operate the XGC.  
4) The XGC must be protected from water. Do not mount the unit where it can be exposed directly to water.  
5) Read the rest of the manual!!! It has been designed to take you through step-by-step to make start-up a breeze.  
Page 1  
“There is no substitute for reading and understanding the operating manual however... You can use the  
instructions on this page for a trouble -free start-up”.  
1) Locate a suitable source for power. A 3-wire, grounded, 15-amp dedicated circuit is recommended.  
2) Secure the enclosure to a wall using the enclosed mounting “feet”. The XGC requires a vertical orientation for proper  
internal ventilation. If proper ventilation is not provided, the thermostat may not be able to properly control the  
temperature & humidity of the growing area.  
3) Plug the XGC into the power source. Do not connect your lights until you have set the “ON and “OFF” times on the  
24-hour timeclock.  
4) You may want to change the CO2 set point on the “Fuzzy Logic”controller. Normally 1250 to 1500 PPM is  
recommended for most applications. Once you set the PPM level, the built-in CO2 sensor and “Fuzzy Logic”module  
work together to actually dial-in the perfect parameters for YOUR area automatically. Refer to Changing the setpoint (SV)  
5) Now set the thermostat and de-humistat to the approximate settings you would like to use. A small, inexpensive  
combination thermometer and hygrometer works just fine to “dial in” the exact settings. Just compare the reading on the  
thermometer to what the XGC is set at and adjust as required.  
6) You can now select the Hydro mode you would like to use. Choose between operating the Hydro outlet during the  
“Daytime” only or, 24-hours a day. Move the Hydro mode switch to the appropriate position. Moving the switch to the  
center “OFF” position momentarily will reset the timer.  
7) There are 2 timers on the XGC, which are used to control your hydroponics pumps. To fully understand the timers that  
control the XGC, refer to the Timers section of this manual. Set the Hydro “ON” and “OFF” timers to your desired  
settings before continuing. (Refer to Timers)  
8) The 24-hour timeclock can now be set. Push in the trip levers on the front face of the timer dial for the time you want your  
lights to be “ON”. Rotate the dial to the current time to set the timer.  
9) Now you can plug the equipment you will be using into the appropriate receptacles. Remember that the XGC can handle a  
combined load up to 15-amps. A single 1000-watt HID ballast needs over 9-amps alone. Select and size your pumps and  
fans appropriately or use our UPM-1 or MLCs to increase power capacity.  
*Note: We highly suggest NOT plugging in your HID ballast just yet.  
10) When the “day” cycle begins, the “Lights” indicator will light up to confirm power is going to the (2) light receptacles. If  
you have selected the “Daytime” setting on the Hydro mode, the “Hydro Pumps” indicator will also light up to indicate  
your pump is powered for the amount of time you selected  
11) You can manually override the timeclock to switch from “night” to “day” or back to Night by rotating the outer dial of the  
timeclock slowly clockwise. At night, the Lights and CO2 are disabled while the thermostat and humistat continue to  
control the temperature and humidity.  
* NOTE: The Hydro outlet will also be disabled if the “Daytime” mode is selected on the Hydro mode switch.  
12) When all settings have been confirmed, the HID lights or UPMs can be plugged into the “Lights” receptacles. If more than  
1000 watts are to be controlled, use our Universal Power Modules or the MLCs.  
* IMPORTANT: Do not plug in more than 1000 watts worth of lighting into the XGC receptacles.  
13) Monitor the equipment connected to the XGC to ensure proper operation. Small adjustments are likely to be made until  
you find the right combination of controls. Once you are happy with the settings sit back and enjoy the show!  
For more details concerning any of the XGC functions, refer to the appropriate section of this manual.  
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“The XGC-1 controls your lights, hydroponic pumps, exhaust fan or A/C, de-humidifier, heater and CO2 level with  
“Part-Per-Million” accuracy… automatically! No more guesswork!  
The timeclock selected to run the XGC performs all of the day to night transitions required for crops requiring controlled  
photoperiods. It can directly control up to 1000 watts of HID lights.  
To set the current time on the timeclock, turn the dial clockwise until the current time on the outer dial lines up with the arrow  
on the inner dial. To set the timeclock on and off times, carefully push in each of the orange trip levers at the times you want  
the lights to be on.  
*NOTE: If power is interrupted, the timeclock will have to be reset.  
The XGC utilizes a remote-bulb thermostat with a 30” lead to control ventilation and cooling functions. This allows you to  
place the temperature sensor up to 30” away from the XGC. The thermostat can be set to control temperature from 50 – 115’F.  
The thermostat is coordinated with the CO2 control system and the exhaust receptacles to maintain a constant temperature.  
When the temperature rises above the set point selected on the thermostat, the CO2 system is disabled and the Exhaust  
receptacles are enabled. When the temperature level drops below the set point, the CO2 system is re-activated.  
IMPORTANT: To achieve the greatest accuracy, provide the XGC with plenty of “fresh air”. The enclosure is designed to  
allow air to pass over the humidity sensor.  
The XGC utilizes a de-humistat to control ventilation and humidity levels. The de-humistat can control humidity levels from  
20% - 80%.  
The de-humistat is coordinated with the CO2 control system and the exhaust receptacles to maintain a constant humidity.  
When the humidity rises above the set point selected on the de-humistat, the CO2 system is disabled and the Exhaust  
receptacles are enabled. When the humidity level drops below the set point, the CO2 system is re-activated.  
The Hydro mode select switch is used to select whether the hydro outlet will cycle 24-hours or only during the day. The mode  
selector switch also doubles as a Hydro bypass switch. Each time the switch position is changed to the center “OFF” position,  
the hydro timers will reset and initiate a new cycle. This comes in handy during set-up of the hydro pumps and timer settings.  
NOTE: *Leaving the mode select switch in the center position disables the hydro function.  
An additional outlet is provided which is powered only at “night” when the lights are turned OFF. This works great for  
heaters, fans, dehumidifiers or any other device that needs to run only at night.  
What set’s the XGC-1 apart from the competition? Fuzzy logic… What is "fuzzy logic"? Fuzzy Logic can be compared to a  
good driver. As a good driver approaches a red light, he or she applies the brakes to gradually slow down BEFORE getting to  
the intersection. Fuzzy Logic uses the same idea to bring the CO2 level up to the desired setting without going over the set  
point. With Fuzzy Logic, relatively safe compressed CO2 can replace LP / gas CO2 generators economically.  
The XGC combines an extremely accurate infrared CO2 sensor with a state-of –the-art Fuzzy Logic module to give you the  
most precise method of controlling supplemental CO2. SIMPLY SET IT… AND FORGET IT!  
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The XGC-1 uses 2 timers to control the hydroponic pump functions. It also has a 24-hour time-clock which  
controls your daytime and nightime functions.  
The two Adjustable Recycling Timers (ART) provide an adjustable “ON” / “OFF” cycle for various devices. The 2-adjustable  
recycling timers onboard the XGC are set using the dials on the front face of the enclosure. The timer name and range of each  
timer is printed around the timer dials. Because the dials of the XGC are small to conserve space, the settings may have to be  
adjusted to an actual time setting. If necessary, use a watch or stopwatch to confirm the settings are correct. Once the timers are  
set, they are repeatable to +/- .5%.  
The timers are designed to finish the cycle they are presently timing which means adjustments made to the timers during a  
cycle will not affect the present cycle.  
RESETTING HYDRO TIMERS: The Hydro timers can be reset by switching the Hydro mode select switch to the center  
“OFF” position momentarily. Switching back to your desired mode starts the timing cycle.  
The Hydroponic outlet can be configured to cycle one of two ways… 24-hours a day or, during the “daytime” only. Simply  
moving the Hydro Mode selector switch to either the “24-Hour” or the “Daytime” position enables the desired mode. When  
used in the Daytime” mode, the Hydro outlet will only cycle while the lights are on. The “24-hour” mode works great for NFT  
or aeroponic systems that require moisture during the day and night. The mode selector switch also doubles as a Hydro bypass  
switch. Each time the switch position is changed, the hydro timers will reset and initiate a new cycle. This comes in handy  
during set-up of the hydro pumps and timer settings.  
There are two timers that control the hydroponics receptacle, Hydro “ON” and Hydro “OFF”. The XGC-1’s Hydro “ON” time  
can be set from 30 seconds to 20 minutes; the Hydro “OFF” time can be set from 12 to 480 minutes. Set the timers by moving  
the dial to the appropriate position.  
The timeclock selected to run the XGC performs all of the day to night transitions required for crops requiring controlled  
photoperiods. It can directly control up to 1000 watts of HID lights.  
To set the current time on the timeclock, turn the dial clockwise until the current time on the outer dial lines up with the arrow  
on the inner dial. To set the timeclock on and off times, carefully push in each of the orange trip levers at the times you want  
the lights to be on.  
*NOTE: If power is interrupted, the timeclock may have to be reset.  
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Most people who have used the XGC-1, rate it the best combination controller available today.  
The fact that the built-in “Fuzzy Logic”CO2 control system has redefined what true Part-Per-Million CO2  
control is really about, may have something to do with it…  
Let's talk about ... Carbon Dioxide. CO2 is present in relatively low quantities, (300-600 PPM) in your normal, generic,  
everyday air. But plant growth can be increased and accelerated if the level of CO2 is increased to, let’s say... 1000 -1500 PPM.  
For this reason, the XGC can control CO2 distribution for those people who prefer to use supplemental CO2.  
There are some inherent dangers associated with using CO2. Here are some of the rules to remember when using CO2:  
A) Cylinders (bottles) of compressed CO2 should never be stored inside the growing area or anywhere else where the  
temperature may rise above 100º F.  
B) The growing area should not be occupied while CO2 is in operation.  
C) Do not enter the growing area until the CO2 has been exhausted.  
D) CO2 is heavier than air and will accumulate towards the ground.  
E) In high enough concentrations CO2 can kill!!! The OSHA maximum “Personal Exposure Level” is 5000 PPM.  
*Note: The XGC CO2 control system can be used for both compressed CO2 cylinders, and generators. The CO2 receptacle is  
120vac. Compressed CO2 cylinders require an approved regulator / flow gage and a valve.  
If optimum CO2 “mileage” is desired, a self-contained air conditioner or other “Closed loop” cooling method is highly  
recommended. A closed loop system will regulate temperatures within the zone allowing you to extend the CO2 maximum  
cycle time thus reducing CO2 use dramatically.  
Another method of reducing heat build up includes utilizing “Ventilated light hoods”. Just be sure to make the ventilation  
system of the hood as airtight as possible so that your precious CO2 is not being drawn out of the area by the ventilated hood  
exhaust fan.  
If sufficient CO2 is provided and the proper level of nutrients and light is available, a 35% increase in growth rate is possible.  
However if you suspect the higher temperatures are adversely affecting the plants, a shorter CO2 cycle may produce better  
results. Remember that a shorter CO2 cycle duration translates to increased CO2 usage.  
Fuzzy Logic is a form of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is as though a trained operator is there to monitor the level and release  
more CO2 only when required. It can also "learn" how to maintain the set point when it is first started by pressing a couple of  
buttons. It then calculates how to best maintain the CO2 level for any size space… automatically!  
Every growing area has variables such as area size, fan types, ambient temperature, unique airflow characteristics, CO2  
delivery system and flow-rate. Ordinary “part-per-million” controllers do not take most of these variables into consideration  
thus they are not very good at keeping the CO2 at a constant level. A standard set of “parameters” which define how the Fuzzy  
Logic’s AI (Artificial Intelligence) is pre-programmed into the XGC-1. For MOST applications, the standard set will work  
fine. In fact, most people report the XGC-1 maintains their desired setpoint +/- 15-25 PPM.  
If after a few days of operating the XGC-1 you are not satisfied with the performance, you can try to allow the unit to “re-  
teach” itself the base parameters FOR YOUR SPECIFIC AREA. And that is exactly what the “Auto-Tuning” function does.  
When the “Auto-Tuning” function is used, the XGC-1 automatically measures your systems performance and calculates the  
best method to control CO2 within the area. It then uses this information in conjunction with a simple form of Artificial  
Intelligence called Fuzzy-logic to give you truly exceptional efficiency. Auto-tuning is only required when using compressed  
CO2 and Fuzzy-logic control mode.  
There are ONLY four reasons to perform “Auto-Tuning” and most people will not see any improvement over the factory  
1) Unsatisfactory performance after operating the unit for a few days.  
2) Changing the set point (SV) more than 500 PPM.  
3) Major (and some minor) changes in the CO2 delivery system, area configuration, fan changes, ECT.  
4) Abnormal or inconsistent results from previous Auto-Tunings.  
*Note: NEVER perform an Auto-tune when using a CO2 generator.  
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The Auto-Tuning function takes from 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours to complete. DON’T WORRY. It is completely automatic once the test  
is started. However, before performing an Auto-Tuning, you MUST prepare the area for the procedure. This may take at the  
most 15 minutes.  
1) During the Auto-Tuning, the area must be operating normally. Circulating fans must remain operating.  
2) Exhaust and/or cooling fans which bring fresh air into the area must be disabled. If heat or humidity build-up is a problem  
during the 2-hours required, reduce the lighting or other heat loads temporarily until the test is completed.  
3) Set the CO2 flow-gage to the setting most likely to be correct for your area. If no estimate is known, set it near the middle  
of the range and increase it if the first Auto-Tuning does not provide consistent control.  
4) Turn the thermostat & humistat responsible for running the exhaust fans all the way to the maximum setting until the  
Auto-tune is complete.  
5) Close the CO2 tank valve. Connect the CO2 valve or generator to the XGC-1. There should be no CO2 flowing out of the  
tank until the test is started.  
6) Set the SV (desired CO2 level) to the desired level. (See Changing Set-Point)  
7) Press [SEL] for 1 second. (RUN will be displayed)  
8) Press the [Down] button one time. (AT will be displayed)  
9) Press the [SEL] button once. (0 is displayed)  
10) Press the [UP or DOWN] button to bring up 1. (1 is displayed)  
11) Press the [SEL] button once. The decimal point will begin to flash until the Auto-Tuning procedure is completed. The CO2  
outlet will be energized.  
12) Quickly open the CO2 tank valve and verify CO2 is flowing out of the flow-gage / regulator.  
13) Get out of the area and do not disturb the area for a minimum of 2 hours. After two hours, enter the area and confirm the  
decimal point has stopped flashing, which indicates the test is complete.  
14) Reconnect the Exhaust fans, CO2 Disable cable and return the area to normal operation while monitoring the level of CO2.  
Do not continue to stand next to the XGC-1 while monitoring. Just keep an eye on the display and record the level every  
30 minutes or so. Also try to observe the unit reacting to and recovering from the Exhaust fans operating. The level should  
drop down to 800 or less and then recover quickly without overshooting the setpoint more than 150 PPM.  
15) If after operating a day or two you are not getting good consistent control, (+/- 100 PPM from set point) it may be a good  
idea to perform a second Auto-Tuning.  
*NOTE: If your CO2 tank runs out for a period of time, the control may take a few hours to re-stabilize, this is normal.  
The XGC-1 has an adjustable set point. The set point is the minimum CO2 level in Parts-Per-Million you want to maintain. The  
face of the Fuzzy Logic controller has 5 led indicators on the front. The one marked (SV) is illuminated when viewing and / or  
changing the set point.  
1) Press (SEL) momentarily. The SV indicator will light up and the current set point is displayed.  
(The XGC-1 is factory set @ 1500 PPM)  
2) Use the (UP / DOWN) buttons to change the set point to your desired level. Normally between 1250 –2000 PPM.  
3) Press the (SEL) button momentarily to accept the change.  
People operating compressed CO2 systems will definitely benefit from the XGC-1’s “Fuzzy Logic”. But some people who are  
using LP / Natural gas generators may want to extend the life of their generator by changing the XGC-1’s control mode to ON /  
OFF. When operating in ON / OFF mode, the rapid pulsing of the control solenoid is eliminated. The XGC-1 will still control  
the CO2 generator with extreme accuracy. A preset hysteresis (dead-band) of 50PPM still allows the XGC-1 to control the CO2  
to an average level of +/- 200 PPM. For comparison’s sake, the average accuracy of the Fuzzy Logic control mode is around  
+/-25PPM. Follow the procedures listed below to easily change the control modes on the XGC-1.  
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Changing to ON / OFF control mode  
1) Press and hold the (SEL) pushbutton for three seconds. (P will be displayed)  
2) Press the (SEL) button momentarily. (The current proportional band setting will be displayed = 5.0)  
3) Using the (Down) pushbutton, change the display to read (0.0)  
4) Momentarily press the (SEL) button to accept the change.  
5) Allow the unit to re-start by not touching any of the buttons for approximately 30 seconds.  
Changing to “Fuzzy Logic” control mode  
1) Press and hold the (SEL) pushbutton for three seconds. (P will be displayed)  
2) Press the (SEL) button momentarily. (The current proportional band setting will be displayed = 0.0)  
3) Using the (Down) pushbutton, change the display to read (5.0)  
4) Momentarily press the (SEL) button to accept the change.  
5) Allow the unit to re-start by not touching any of the buttons for approximately 30 seconds.  
* Note: There are several other “hidden” internal parameters that are normally locked-out from the user. These setting  
are critical in order for the unit to function properly. DO NOT change any of these settings! If you mistakenly access these  
“weird” numbers reset the unit. To reset the unit, unplug the main power cord for 20 seconds and re-connect.  
The XGC-1 is factory calibrated. The sensor onboard the XGC-1 is capable of remaining in calibration for a minimum of three  
years. Extreme shock during shipping and other factors may affect the calibration. To check the calibration, follow the  
procedure below.  
Supplying the unit with outside air can quickly verify the calibration. The reading outdoors should be around 250-550PPM. If  
the XGC-1 calibration is incorrect, the unit can be returned to the manufacturer. Please note:  
The XGC-1 CO2 sensor has built-in temperature compensation that automatically corrects the reading depending  
on the ambient temperature. However, extreme temperatures of below 20°F or above 120°F may affect the reading.  
Checking calibration in urban areas usually results in higher ambient CO2 readings due to car exhaust and human  
To check calibration:  
1) Bring the unit outside so that it will receive fresh air. Do not locate the unit in direct sunlight.  
2) Plug the power supply and power cord into 120vac.  
3) Move away from the controller to allow the reading to stabilize for approximately 20 minutes.  
4) Check the CO2 level.  
*Important: Do not breathe while checking the calibration the unit. As you exhale, large concentrations of  
CO2 are expelled from your lungs. This higher level of CO2 will affect the calibration of the unit. Try to hold  
your breath!  
5) If the level is between 250 and 550 the unit is performing fine. If it is outside that range, allow the unit to stabilize longer.  
6) If the calibration is still off, the unit can be returned to the factory for re-certification.  
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The XGC-1 can be upgraded and expanded by using our expansion devices including the UPM-1, and the MLC-4.  
The Universal Power Modules and Master Lighting Controllers allow you to run multiple pumps, fans and lights by  
controlling remote relays.  
The UPM-1 Universal Power Module is a unique device that can allow the user to run  
additional HID lights or control multiple fans / air conditioners etc.  
The UPM-1’s “plug-box” was designed to be plugged into a standard household outlet.  
The 16-foot long “trigger cable” coming from the UPM-1 is then connected to your  
control device such as a time clock or thermostat. When the control device turns ON, the  
relay inside the UPM-1 box applies power to the twin outlets on the front of the UPM-1  
turning ON whatever is plugged into it. This allows you to run additional lights etc.  
from a different circuit with one common control device.  
The UPM-1 is rated at 15-amps @ 120 volts.  
The HPR-1 is a hard-wired, 30-amp capacity, 120/240-volt version of the UPM-1. The  
HPR-1 is perfect for controlling higher loads such as large air-conditioners or multiple  
HID ballasts. The user can supply either 120 or 240-volt power to the “input” side of the  
HPR-1. The air-conditioner or ballasts to be controlled are then wired into the “output”  
side of the relay. When the trigger cable connected to your control device is activated,  
the relay applies power to the equipment connected to the HPR-1.  
The HPR-1 is rated at 30-amps 120/240 volt.  
The MLC-4 and MLC-4a Master Lighting Controllers are the best devices for  
controlling up to (4) HID lights from one time clock or controller. Like the HPR-1,  
power must be brought into the “input” side of the control relay. The MLC-4 features (4)  
standard 240v outlets, which your ballasts are plugged into. The MLC-4a is designed for  
120 volt ballasts however it can also be used to run ballasts wired for 240-volt operation,  
which have 120-volt power cords. The MLC-8 Master Lighting Controller is the best  
device for controlling up to (8) HID lights from one time clock or controller. Power is  
brought into the MLC-8 by hardwiring up to a 40-amp circuit. The MLC-8 features (8)  
standard 240v outlets, which your ballasts are plugged into.  
The MLCs both feature a 120-volt trigger cable to plug into a standard 24-hour timer or  
controller. The MLC-4 & MLC-4a are rated 30-amps @120/240 volt. The MLC-8 is  
rated at 40-amps @ 240 volt.  
The HLC-2 HID lighting controller was primarily designed to protect your expensive  
HID lights from HOT-STARTS.  
A “Hot-Start” occurs whenever your lights are turned off… and then back on before the  
lamps are allowed to cool off. Hot-starts caused by power outages reduces your lamp’s  
life and intensity. It can be plugged into either of the “Lights” outlets.  
When the HLC-2 is connected to your lights, it will sense a power interruption, and start  
a 15-minute time-delay to keep the lights from trying to re-fire while the cool down. The  
HLC-2 can also be used to delay other devices from starting.  
The HLC-1 is rated for 15-amps @ 120volts.  
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If you are having problems with this unit, refer to these troubleshooting hints. Also, refer to the connection diagram  
to ensure your devices are connected properly.  
Suggested Action  
I have no lights and no  
function at all.  
Check the fuse and main power. Replace the fuse if required with the correct rated fuse.  
Check the equipment connected to the XGC for problems and/or short circuits.  
The fuse continues to  
If the fuse blows repeatedly, verify the devices connected to the unit are working properly and that they  
are not too large for the XGC-1 to safely control.  
You may need to consider using expansion modules, (UPM / HPR / MLC) to decrease the amperage  
(load) on the XGC fuse.  
The fans are running so  
often, the CO2 is hardly  
ever ON.  
You may have too much heat building up in your area or too small of an exhaust fan. Reduce the heat  
sources or increase your fan size.  
You may also consider using a “closed-loop” air conditioner to keep the temperature and humidity  
below the set points so that CO2 is allowed to run for longer amounts of time.  
My CO2 consumption  
seems to be quite high.  
Make sure your area is sealed. You may want to install a motorized damper to seal your exhaust fans  
when they are “OFF”.  
The Hydro pumps are  
not cycling properly.  
The Hydro pump outlets can be operated 24-hours a day or only when the “Lights” are “ON”. The  
“Hydro” selector switch also has a center “OFF” position, which can be used to “reset” the timing  
function. Make sure the switch is not turned “OFF”.  
The CO2 outlet is pulsing  
ON and OFF too often.  
If you are running a CO2 generator, you may want to change to ON / OFF control.  
If running compressed CO2 you may want to try running an Auto tune.  
After my compressed  
bottle or LP tank was  
replaced, the level  
If your CO2 tank runs out for a period of time, the controller may take anywhere from a few hours to a  
couple of days to re-stabilize, this is normal. When the tank ran out, the PPM-2a tried to compensate by  
changing its internal settings.  
My CO2 outlet never  
comes on.  
Make sure the CO2 disable function is not ON.  
If the actual CO2 level is above the set point (SV) the outlet will not turn on. Allow the level to drop or  
raise the (SV).  
All of the main functions controlled by the XGC are accessed using (8) standard 120 VAC, 15-amp receptacles mounted on  
the sides of the enclosure. This allows you to simply “plug in” any standard device without hardwiring or hassles. Printed  
labels on the front face of the enclosure identify the receptacles.  
We highly recommend using only 3-wire devices with a ground. Suitably double-insulated devices are acceptable. Keep in  
mind that the combined amperage draw on all of the devices connected to the XGC-1 must be less than 15-amps @ 120 VAC.  
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1) Please take care in the handling of this precision device. If the unit is dropped or subjected to extreme shock, the  
calibration may be thrown off. Calibration problems due to abuse, or droppage may affect the warranty.  
2) DO NOT expose the XGC-1 to water. It utilizes a ventilated enclosure to properly “sample” the CO2.  
System operating voltage  
Maximum Switching amperage  
Overload protection  
Operating temperature  
Maximum humidity  
Temperature control range  
Humidity control range  
Adjustable timer repeatability  
Timer setting accuracy  
Hydro “ON” timer  
120vac +/- 20% @ 50-60 Hertz  
15-amps @ 120vac  
15-amp normal blow fuse  
30-120º F  
95% RH (Non-condensing)  
50-115º F with a 7º F differential, +/- 3.6º  
20 - 80% RH with a 5% differential  
+/- .5% under fixed conditions  
+/- 10%  
30 seconds to 20 minutes  
12 minutes to 480 minutes  
+/- 3% monthly  
Fuzzy Logic, w / Single-beam Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR)  
0 – 5000 PPM CO2  
Minimum 10 minutes (full accuracy)  
+/- 15 PPM  
+/- 5% of reading  
< 1% of Fixed Scale  
Hydro “OFF” timer  
24-hour timeclock accuracy  
CO2 Operating principle  
CO2 Measurement range  
CO2 Warm-up time  
CO2 Maximum drift per year  
CO2 Accuracy @ 77’F  
CO2 Repeatability  
CO2 Calibration interval  
CO2 sensor Operating life expectancy  
Three years  
15 years typical  
10” X 8” X 7”  
Less than 6 lbs.  
Relay operations  
Minimum 100,000 electrical / 10,000,000 mechanical  
1) Consult the troubleshooting chart for a listing of the most common problems.  
2) DO NOT open the enclosure!!! There are no components that require maintenance.  
3) Do not use this equipment for purposes other than what it is designed for. It will provide many years of trouble-free  
service when used properly.  
4) In the event you cannot solve the problem, first consult the dealer who sold the unit then contact the factory for  
instructions on how to return it to the factory for repair.  
COPYRIGHT 2002 BY R & M Supply  
Liability statement:  
R & M Supply and their retailers and distributors are not responsible for any damage or injuries (consequential or otherwise)  
arising from the use of this device. The purchaser assumes all responsibility for the use and proper installation of this device.  
Page 11  

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