Automatic Multi-Satellite TV Antenna
Replacement LNB Instructions
for Models RP-SK01, RP-SK05, RP-SK09, and RP-SK73
For help, email or call 1-800-788-4417
3. Carefully slide the LNB out from the feed arm. Disconnect the four
coax cables from the LNB using a 7/16” wrench.
Raising the Antenna
1. Press and hold “POWER” for two seconds to turn on the interface
box. Wait until the interface box finishes “connecting to antenna.” The
TRAV’LER® antenna may enter the search routine after ten seconds.
Pay attention to the pinch points as the antenna raises!
4. Connect the four coax cables running through the feed arm to the
replacement LNB. The coax cables can be connected in any order.
Tighten the cables until fingertight, and then use a 7/16” wrench to
tighten a quarter turn more.
2. Wait until the antenna has at least raised to a position in which the feed
arm is parallel to the roof. Then, press “POWER” and “SELECT” at the
same time. The antenna should stop moving.
5. Slide the LNB into the feed arm, and re-install the two screws
(removed earlier) through the underside of the feed arm and
replacement LNB. Tighten.
3. Unplug the interface box. Continue with instructions for your model of
replacement LNB.
6. Slide the LNB guard up the feed arm and over the LNB. The front of
the LNB guard should be ~½″ in front of the LNB and should not be
touching the LNB. Install the four bolts through the four holes in the
LNB guard. Thread a nut onto each bolt, and tighten.
Model RP-SK01 DISH® 1000 Replacement LNB
1. Remove and set aside the two screws from the wider end of the
underside of the integrated adapter.
Model RP-SK09 DIRECTV SWM Slimline Repl. LNB
2. Carefully slide the LNB out from
the integrated adapter. Disconnect
the three cables from the LNB
using a 7/16” wrench.
LNB slid out from
integrated adapter
1. Remove and set aside the four
nuts and bolts holding the LNB
guard to the feed arm. Then, slide
the LNB guard down the feed
arm and toward the reflector.
Front of
LNB guard
3. Connect the three cables running
through the integrated adapter
to ports 1–3 (in any order) on the
replacement LNB. Tighten each
cable until fingertight, and then use
a 7/16” wrench to tighten a quarter
turn more.
2. Remove and set aside the two
screws holding the LNB to the
feed arm.
Bolts holding
LNB guard
to feed arm
Screws removed
from integrated adapter
Screws holding
LNB to feed arm
3. Carefully slide the LNB out from the
feed arm. Disconnect the coax cable
from the LNB using a 7/16” wrench.
Feed arm
4. Slide the LNB into the integrated adapter, and re-install the two
screws (removed earlier) through the integrated adapter and LNB.
4. Connect the coax cable running through the feed arm to the
replacement LNB. Tighten the cable until fingertight, and then use a
7/16” wrench to tighten a quarter turn more.
Model RP-SK05 DIRECTV® Slimline Repl. LNB
5. Slide the LNB into the feed arm, and re-install the two screws
(removed earlier) through the underside of the feed arm and
replacement LNB. Tighten.
1. Remove and set aside the four
Bolts holding
LNB guard
to feed arm
nuts and bolts holding the LNB
guard to the feed arm. Then, slide
the LNB guard down the feed arm
and toward the reflector.
6. Slide the LNB guard up the feed arm and over the LNB. The front of
the LNB guard should be ~½″ in front of the LNB and should not be
touching the LNB. Install the four bolts through the four holes in the
LNB guard. Thread a nut onto each bolt, and tighten.
LNB guard
2. Remove and set aside the two screws
holding the LNB to the feed arm.
Screws holding
LNB to feed arm
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